Monday, May 16, 2011

Tales of a Runner - Running Without Expectation

Tales of a Runner
Running Without Expectation
Racing season is officially upon us.  For many, The Crazylegs Classic is the start to what turns into a summer of training and racing. There is just something about lining up with 20,000 of your closet friends at the Capital then celebrating with them 8K later at Camp Randall that makes you want to do it again and again! 

While waiting for my wave to move up, I was less than eager to start running. I have to admit I was having one of those mornings where I thought, “maybe I should have just stayed in bed”.  I started noticing little aches that weren’t there earlier.  I thought, “It’s too windy, shouldn’t have worn a visor- not fitting right, maybe I should line up for the porta-potty again…” The excuses started piling up in my head until I finally looked around me. 

People were laughing and smiling.  I started talking to the woman next to me. She had gotten her friend to join her for the first time. They were both so excited to run together, not caring about where they finished.  The whole point of the day for them was to just run and enjoy being a part of a yearly tradition in Madison. 

As our wave continued to inch it’s way up to the start line, my negative thoughts began to fade.  Spectators and volunteers were cheering and giving high five’s. As the announcer gave us the official countdown I thought, “where else would I possibly want to be?”

For the 20,000 participants the finish line was the same that day. It didn’t really matter if we crossed in 24 minutes or 2 hours.  We all had one common goal – to finish. That day I decided to just run without expectation. I decided to enjoy the course, the people and the celebration of running. Needless to say, I PR’d that day

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